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Technical University of Munich – TUM

Anna-Sophie Rauschenbach

Eindhoven University of Technology – TU/e

Heusden, M.G. van

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Meital Gotfrid

École Polytechnique

Pruvost Mathilde (Mme)

École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne ‐ EPFL

Schick Aurélie

Technical University of Denmark – DTU

Sophie Birkelund Bech

Gilad Japhet

Gilad Japhet  |Founder & CEO

Gilad founded MyHeritage in 2003 and has been its CEO ever since. As a “garage” startup started at Gilad’s home in Israel to pursue his dream of turning his genealogy hobby into a successful company, MyHeritage grew rapidly, fueled by 11 acquisitions. It now employs 600 employees, with offices in Israel, USA, and Ukraine. Over the years, the company reinvented itself several times as it expanded from genealogy to DNA testing and then to medical genetic testing. In 2020, Gilad led MyHeritage’s efforts to establish a COVID-19 testing lab to help Israel fight the pandemic. This became the largest lab in Israel and among the largest in the world and since its inception in May 2020, it tested more than 3 million people. Through an innovative testing program at Israel’s old age homes, the MyHeritage Lab reduced Israel’s national mortality in the pandemic by an estimated 30%. This helped evolve the mission of MyHeritage from changing lives to also saving lives. In October 2020, Gilad developed a method for weekly COVID-19 testing of students and staff in schools using pooling, and named it Education Shield – it is now being widely adopted throughout Israel. MyHeritage is also acclaimed for its pro bono activities, including DNA Quest and Tribal Quest.
In February 2021 MyHeritage announced that it signed a definitive agreement to be acquired by American private equity firm Francisco Partners. A few days later, MyHeritage launched Deep Nostalgia™, a feature based on collaboration with AI-company D-ID, allowing users to reanimate photos of their loved ones. This feature quickly went viral and in a few weeks was used 50 million times, propelling the MyHeritage mobile app to the #1 spot of the App Store in the USA and 27 other countries.
Gilad is considered as a product and technology visionary and a leader of the genealogy industry. He is a proud graduate of the Technion, where he holds a B.Sc. summa cum laude in Computer Science. Concurrently with his studies at the Technion, Gilad held a full-time position with BRM Technologies, where he co-created a pioneering anti-virus product, acquired by Norton (Symantec). Gilad’s mother, emeritus Prof. Sara Japhet, is one of the world’s foremost biblical scholars.


Yigal Sharon

Yigal Sharon | Co-Founder & CEO at Moodify Ltd

Yigal Sharon is passionnate about neurobiology, technology and innovation. He has dual training in psychology, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, and teaching. He has worked as a pedagogical manager and teacher in psychological care institution and in academic educational institute.
In 2017, he co-founded the company “Moodify” which designs active fragrances developed from human odors to modify thinking, emotions and behaviors and increase the well-being of people. This technology is based on more than 10 years of research on chemical signals at the Neurobiology Lab of the Weizmann Institute of Science.



Antoine Boilevin & Yigal Sharon

Antoine Boilevin| Head of accelerator program & user-centered studio at Valeo

Explorer of the borders of the design, Antoine Boilevin accompany for fifteen years advanced innovation projects. He lead multi-stakeholder initiatives and participate in various private, associative and public innovation programs that focus on the added value of user centric matching business + engineering & human sciences. In Research & Innovation at VALEO since 2014, I co-founded CarLab. Since 2018, He is responsible for the Valeo excubator in partnership with the X-up of the polytechnic school on the Saclay plateau. Also appointed to the Board of Directors of ENSCI, elected expert design consultant by the BPI, and contributor of the 27th Region since 2008.

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Yigal Sharon | Co-Founder & CEO at Moodify Ltd

Yigal Sharon is passionnate about neurobiology, technology and innovation. He has dual training in psychology, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, and teaching. He has worked as a pedagogical manager and teacher in psychological care institution and in academic educational institute.
In 2017, he co-founded the company “Moodify” which designs active fragrances developed from human odors to modify thinking, emotions and behaviors and increase the well-being of people. This technology is based on more than 10 years of research on chemical signals at the Neurobiology Lab of the Weizmann Institute of Science.

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Pierre Callède

Pierre Callède  | Co – Founder Constellation Avocats

One of the founders of, Pierre Callède is an expert in business and company law.He has a developed practice in accompanying innovative companies, notably in their capital transactions, fundraising rounds, management packages, shareholder agreements and transfers and acquisitions of French and foreign companies.
Pierre’s activities are linked to the French business angel and investment fund network, as well as the French Tech ecosystem.
He advises companies and entrepreneurs in their development and investment projects in France, Europe and Africa.

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Nina Vuković | Associate at Constellation Avocats

Nina Vukovic joined in 2020 as our corporate law associate.
Alumna of Sciences Po Paris and Columbia Law School, she has always been passionate about entrepreneurship and new technologies.
After her experiences in several Parisian law firms and a venture capital fund, she is now accompanying’s clients on their legal and business matters.

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Zuzanna Kosowska-Stamirowska & David Henri 

Zuzanna Kosowska-Stamirowska | Professor and Director

Zuzanna Kosowska-Stamirowska is the CEO of NavAlgo, a Paris-based AI start-up developing an analytics engine for Things in Motion, which helps companies achieve operational excellence. She graduated from Sciences Po, Ecole Polytechnique and ENSAE, and holds a PhD in forecasting of maritime trade.


David Henri  | Co-founder & CEO at Exotrail

David Henri started Exotrail project when he was studying at Ecole polytechnique. David holds an engineering and corporate strategy degree from Ecole polytechnique and completed his education with a master’s degree from the University of Cambridge in Industrial Systems, Manufacture and Management. David has an experience in the French Air Force, in a small satellite company and in a Corporate Venture Capital. David started Exotrail back in 2015. The team now employs 35 people in Toulouse & Massy in France and has raised more than 18M€ to date. David is President & CEO of Exotrail and leads Exotrail’s vision and global execution.

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Nelly Pitt

Nelly Pitt | Founder – BeautyMix – DIY made easy

Nelly Pitt, an engineer who graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique in 2001, specialised in “Environmental Engineering” at Stanford and travelled the world working in the field of water treatment. Aware of the many harmful products contained in consumer goods, she created her company, BeautyMix, in 2018 which offers a household robot to make your own cosmetics and cleaning products.

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Louis – Oscar Morel

Louis – Oscar Morel |MD – PhD Trainee at Ecole Polytechnique – INSERM School / CEO UMMON HealthTech

Louis-Oscar Morel is a MD-PhD Student at Ecole de l’INSERM / Faculté de Médecine Lyon-Est / Ecole Polytechnique. Currently studying data science and computer science, He is interested in technology transfert between fondamental research and the industry. He is currently leading a computer recognition project applied to cancer screening.


François Alouges

François Alouges |Researcher in Applied Mathematics and Professor at Ecole Polytechnique – CoFounder & CTO chez RunBlind

François Alouges is researcher in Applied Mathematics for 30 years (PhD in 1990), and full Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique since 2008. Author of about 70 publications in mathematical journals he works in mathematical modeling in fields as varied as liquid crystals, magnetism, bacterial swimming or wave propagation.  In parallel of his research activities, he takes on several administrative burdens for research (member of the bureau of the National Council of Universities in section 26, member of the National Committee of the CNRS, vice-president then president of the Applied Mathematics Department of the Ecole Polytechnique and finally responsible for the Mathematics department of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris). Since 2010, he has been developing a new axis of research in 3D sound, supervising two theses on the subject and giving numerous lectures.
