François Alouges

François Alouges |Researcher in Applied Mathematics and Professor at Ecole Polytechnique – CoFounder & CTO chez RunBlind

François Alouges is researcher in Applied Mathematics for 30 years (PhD in 1990), and full Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique since 2008. Author of about 70 publications in mathematical journals he works in mathematical modeling in fields as varied as liquid crystals, magnetism, bacterial swimming or wave propagation.  In parallel of his research activities, he takes on several administrative burdens for research (member of the bureau of the National Council of Universities in section 26, member of the National Committee of the CNRS, vice-president then president of the Applied Mathematics Department of the Ecole Polytechnique and finally responsible for the Mathematics department of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris). Since 2010, he has been developing a new axis of research in 3D sound, supervising two theses on the subject and giving numerous lectures.
