Nadir Izrael & Yevgeny Dibrov

Nadir Izrael | Co-Founder and CTO, Armis Security
As co-founder and CTO, Nadir Izrael guides the technology vision behind Armis to protect the new connected or IoT devices in and around the workplace. He co-founded the company in 2015 with its CEO, Yevgeny Dibrov. Prior to Armis, worked at Google as senior software engineer. Before Google, Nadir spent six years in the Israeli army, specifically in unit 8200, where he designed and programmed software projects and systems, serving as team leader and attaining the rank of captain.


Yevgeny Dibrov | Co-Founder and CTO,, Armis Security
Leads the vision and direction for Armis. Previously Head of Global Business Development for cloud security company Adallom (acquired by Microsoft). Graduate Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
